With a name like, “Endlessly Pure Castile Body Wash” my first impression was, “What could that mean?” After inspecting the front and back labels on the bottle, I noticed that this particular castile body wash is a PURE extract of oatmeal, pure meaning, that it is in its natural state and, the oatmeal leaves my skin feeling replenished and glowing. It also contains organic oil of sunflower which is loaded with vitamin E and organic oil of coconut which retains moisture, both of these organic oils add value to achieving soft skin.
One of the first things to catch my eye was the label around the bottle. The warm bronze ombré label which fades from a dark brown at the bottom of the bottle to a mild tan to the top of the bottle. The label on the packaging include the brand name, ANBIA® with an oat’s spikelet behind the logo. Something else worth mentioning is, my husband Zack, pointed out that what he admired the most about the ingredients’ content of the Endlessly Pure Castile Body Wash soap is, there are no added dyes, which is very important to our family for use on washing our young son’s sensitive skin.
Before using the soap, I opened the bottle to smell it. I found the scent to be very pleasant and not overpowering. It smelled gentle, light and comforting, with a slight nutty aroma. It almost brought me back to a fond childhood memory of my mom’s hot oatmeal. I must emphasize never to digest any kind of soap!
Something else I would like to mention that I found to be of the most importance is that my skin was rough, dry and sometimes oily before my first use of the Endlessly Pure Castile Body Wash soap. This winter in the Pacific North West was uncharacteristically harsh and made my hands, arms and face crack and bleed from excessive dryness. After the first week of using the Endlessly Pure Castile Body Wash soap, I noticed a huge difference with my skin! Where I had cracks in my skin before are beginning to heal and now it feels and looks healthy, nourished and hydrated.
In the shower, I soaked my washing cloth with hot water, and I squeezed out a dollop of the Endlessly Pure Castile Body wash soap onto the cloth. Instantly I noticed many suds appear as the water trickled onto it. It’s lather time! The water rinses the soap right off, as this is not an oily product. When the water is rinsing the skin, the water beads off which is slick to the touch. What this means is, the oatmeal in the soap is locking in the moisture helping to hydrate my skin! Afterward, leaving the feeling of silky soft skin. I never knew an oats-based soap would do such wonders to my skin.
After using the Endlessly Pure Castile Body Wash, by ANBIA® for just one week, my skin is soft and rejuvenated. My face is not oily, and my hands and arms are no longer cracking and are healing without scars. This is a great soap for all skin types, even for sensitive skin like my own. I love this product for the refreshed feeling I have all over my body.