Spring has sprung and with that open windows, fresh air, seasonal allergies…. hey no one’s complaining after such a long, harsh winter.
A few helpful tips to recharge and embrace all that Spring has to offer.
- Time to get back into the garden and get dirty. A great way to burn up to 350 calories an hour plus your landscaping will look pretty. How about three times a week for an hour at a time. Doing simple chores like mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, hauling mulch—qualifies as an exercise for the body.
- It’s Allergy Season. If you have the sniffles and sneezes as the weather warms up and foliage is in bloom, stock up on allergy medications. Remember to wash hands and face whenever you come in from the outside as you may be tracking in pollen unknowingly.
- With Spring comes cleaning, no better time to start with your makeup drawer or tray. Cosmetics like many other products do expire, toss out any old lipsticks or mascara, hardened concealers and other old makeup that you haven’t used for so long you can’t remember when you bought it. Be sure to clean and disinfect your makeup brushes as well.
- Have you ever wondered when is the best time to change your pillows? The experts recommend every three years and now that Spring is here it’s time to do just that, toss out old pillows. Change your pillows to avoid allergy and asthma provoking bacteria, pollen, fungi, mold, and dust mites. Use a protective cover to seal out allergens and wash pillowcases with hot water weekly.
- Time to Eat Local. Look out for community-supported markets, support local farmers by buying fresh local produce. Sign up for delivery of locally grown vegetables, fruits, flowers, eggs or bread. You’ll not only be encouraging small farmers but also cutting down on carbon print of produce brought in from other states further away.
- Take a walk during your lunch hour now that Spring is here. Not only will it give you give a chance to smell the burst of new flowers in the air, but it will also provide some exercise and time away from your desk. Can’t make it at lunchtime, an evening stroll is also a great way to end the day after dinner.
- Be Sun Safe. As the weather warms let’s remember to use sunscreen and hats as we tend to do more activities outdoors. Wear loose long-sleeved shirts and pants, a wide-brimmed hat, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF30, wear sunglasses that block both UVA and UVB rays for the best protection.
- Spring is also a perfect time to feast on fresh berries, pack in that Vitamin C, make healthy food choices and half your plate with fruits and vegetables and whole grains. Substitute water for sugary or alcoholic drinks to reduce calories and stay healthy.
- Get your annual check-up. We all procrastinate about scheduling our medical appointments, but Spring is here and what better time to start off the year by getting your medical examinations done and out of the way. Go visit your doctor and get your preventative screenings done now.